Meet Your Neighbor: Heirlooms Antique Mall

In Aurora's dynamic community, diverse stories of entrepreneurial spirit come to life. Meet Scott, the passionate owner of Heirloom's Antique Mall, where history finds a new home.

Learn more about his inspiring journey and the unique treasures that await as we delve into his story.

What was the inspiration behind Heirlooms?

I was selling Mexican pottery at another antique store and opted to rent a space at Heirlooms the day I rented. I brought my wife Sandra back that day after she got out of work to show her the space. As we walked up the stairs, I stepped on the first step in the basement and told her I was going to buy Heirlooms. A year later, I became the new owner. It’s been nine years, and we’ve never looked back.

What do you love about operating in Aurora?

The City of Aurora supports small businesses in many ways. The local SBDC has been a great resource with the classes it offers. The support of the Havana Street Business District has been unbelievable. I am also thankful to the city council and mayor for their approach to fighting retail crime. Even though COVID seems so far in the past, I will never forget the support Heirlooms was given.

Are any particular eras or styles of antiques most popular at Heirlooms?

My store is so diverse that it is really tough to say what’s most popular. With that being said, records and vinyl are extremely popular. The love of music is universal and multi-generational. Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials are behind the vinyl revival. When records are released, each has a unique press number, which determines the year of the vinyl. Record lovers enjoy the hunt for older, more seasoned vinyl.

What role do you see your business playing in contributing to the overall vibrancy and culture of Aurora?

My small business owners/vendors are as diverse as the city we serve. Each vendor brings their unique contribution to Heirlooms, as everyone's experiences differ. When visiting the store, customers can take a trip down memory lane. Various eras and ethnicities are represented throughout the store. Families come through with kids and the kids will repeatedly ask their parents to bring them back to Heirlooms as the antiques and treasures are constantly changing.

What are you most proud of as a business owner?

Mentoring and encouraging my vendors has enabled quite a few to open their own stores. Realizing the power of sharing knowledge and experiences with others is fulfilling. Most important is the feedback received from customers, as they are what keeps Heirlooms growing and expanding. Sometimes, customers tell me that when they are having a bad or rough day at work, they come by Heirlooms because it is their happy place. It’s a place for everyone to go and enjoy history, community, and diversity.

