Meet Your Neighbor: Milly's Community Cafe

Explore the aromatic world of Aurora's coffee culture, where passion meets sweet perfection. Learn more about Stacey Miller, owner of Milly's Community Cafe, to uncover a community staple and her journey of creating the distinctive blends the city has quickly come to love.

Join us as we chat with Stacey Miller, owner of Millys Community Cafe, to learn more about her story! 

Meet Stacey Miller | Milly's Community Cafe

What was the inspiration behind Milly's Community Cafe?

Many things inspired the vision of Milly's. As a consumer, I loved the cozy feeling of entering a coffee shop. It instantly calmed me, and I wanted to spend more time visiting different shops.

I have always had a passion for cooking and baking for others that stemmed from many moments in the kitchen with my mom and grandma. Some of my life's most joyous moments come from my being able to create something and serve it to others. The passion I learned in the kitchen inspired me to serve freshly baked items instead of outsourcing them. We pride ourselves on serving food and pastries made from scratch with natural ingredients. We can confidently tell you exactly what is in each item, and many of our items can be made gluten-free.

The inspiration for our location (inside a church building) came after searching for a unique location that felt like a home, not a strip mall. The city just didn't have unique spaces at the time. It was serendipitous that the church considered adding more community space feel to the building and wanted to start with coffee. It has been amazing to have our own space to open to the public all week and merge the local and church community together on Sundays. Our space is welcoming to all and feels like home. We want to serve you the best coffee and treats and hope you leave with a smile.

What do you love about operating in Aurora?

I am a native of Colorado, and I moved to Aurora when I was 2. I grew up here; this is my home. I love our community! Being a former teacher for APS, I love that I have a big following from the district, and I get to see old teammates and students of mine. It’s fun to see people I have met along the way come in and be surprised at what we have created. The city has changed a lot over the years, and I’m excited to be a part of the new Aurora, which welcomes small businesses and provides unique food and drink options. Times have been hard for small businesses, and I love that Aurora really wants to help keep us thriving.

What are some of the most popular items that customers love at Milly's? Could you share one item you consider a 'must-try' for anyone visiting your coffee shop?

The coffee! We have traditional options for serious coffee drinkers out there and a lot of fun creations for those who like it on the sweeter side. We make all our coffee syrups from scratch using natural ingredients, nothing artificial; we partner with Farmers All Natural for our dairy and source our coffee from a local roaster in Denver (Copper Door Coffee Roasters). You can definitely taste the quality we provide. Our most popular item for food would be our biscuit sandwich (available gluten-free) smothered in our homemade green chili. Blueberry, banana chocolate chip, and lemon scones are the top-selling pastries. We have received numerous compliments on our traditional scone texture, and customers love that they are done in-house, allowing us to change flavors daily.

Milly's Cafe has become a beloved community staple known for its warm atmosphere and as a place where the community comes together. How do you foster a sense of community within your cafe, and why do you believe Milly's has become such a special gathering place in Aurora?

I truly believe we have listened and evolved into a space that works for our community. From day one, I have put my heart and soul into every detail to offer a space I would enjoy visiting. As time goes by, we listen and observe what our community would like to see in our space. Some things will never change, but looking back on our journey, we see that our customers have truly evolved Milly’s into what it is today. We have created areas for people to work, meet with colleagues, gather as families, and meet up with best friends. Our music isn’t too loud, we offer free WIFI, and we host events throughout the year. We try to keep it simple and comfortable so that everyone will hopefully feel like they belong.

What are you most proud of as a business owner?

Sometimes, when I stand in the middle of the cafe after everyone has gone home, I am amazed and overtaken by the emotion that I created in this space. I am proud of the people who have supported me and my wonderful staff, who work hard to make our customers number one.

Opening during Covid was extremely difficult, and becoming a business owner has been the hardest thing I have ever done. I started from ground zero with no experience other than being a homemaker and a love for coffee. It is no joke that it takes blood, sweat, and a lot of tears. The exhaustion gets to you, the doubts sometimes try to win, and I’m just really proud that I continue to push daily to bring my vision to those I serve. I am proud that I get to build relationships with my customers and be a safe space for my community. Seeing people smile as they leave is my purpose, and reading reviews of customers who love our space makes me proud and motivated to keep going

