Preparing for Wilderness Adventures

Whether you’re headed out to explore Cherry Creek State Park, the Aurora Reservoir, or somewhere beyond the mountain vistas, it is essential to keep everyone safe, including wildlife. After some preparation, you can ensure your wilderness adventure is top-notch. With help from our friends at the Colorado Tourism Office, learn more about preparing for your trip and keeping Colorado wild during your visit.

Hiking Trail in Colorado

Know Before You Go

Ensure you have sun protection no matter when you’re visiting – the high altitude and 300 days of sunshine in Aurora and beyond can damage the skin. We encourage all visitors to bring ample water on every adventure, think about two liters per adult. Dressing in layers is the way to go. Some mornings might start at 60 degrees and end up pushing the upper 90s during the afternoon. Lastly, always check the weather before heading out. Sometimes a quick hike can go from dreamy to disastrous in a matter of minutes. Being prepared makes the hike safer for everyone.

Wildlife Encounters

Colorado is home to hundreds of critters and creatures. From the mighty bison to the majestic American Bald Eagle, animals live in our natural areas, parks, and waters. To keep everyone safe, never approach a wild creature – no matter how small (or cute) they might appear. Pronghorn Deer roam the wilderness plains in Aurora, let’s give them space to graze. A good rule for viewing wildlife is to extend your arm fully and stick out your thumb. Can you cover the animal with your thumb? If so, you’re at a safe distance. As a reminder, it is never safe to feed wildlife. Our trail snacks can make them sick!

Flowers in Colorado

Pack it Out

If it wasn’t there, don’t leave it. Remember to pack out all trash, even things like banana peels can take years to decompose and can be harmful to the creatures who live in the wilderness. Littering makes our spaces less beautiful. “Leave only footprints and take only pictures” is an excellent piece of advice. While there might be thousands of wildflowers, if everyone grabbed a bundle, they wouldn’t exist. Respect the natural space by snapping a few pictures instead of picking up pieces of the forest.

Share the Space

Trails and nature preserves are for everyone – including visitors and locals. It is essential to share the trails with others and take the less beaten path. Nature is about exploring the sounds around you, so keeping music in your earbuds it the best way to go. We also suggest checking out space or trail online first. We know peak times tend to be in the mid-morning, so consider switching up your schedule.

Sunset in Aurora

Enjoy Every Moment

A Rocky Mountain sunrise is our 8th Wonder of the World. Getting out and exploring Colorado’s parks and wilderness spaces are what make our destination so unique. You don’t need to be a mountain climber to enjoy some of the most breath-taking places in Aurora and beyond. You just need a little research and willingness to explore the great beyond.

