Mar 27 - Apr 16, 2025

Alice Glamoure's Draäg Featurettes: Storytime & Bingo:

Admission: Varies

Location: Stanley Marketplace

2501 Dallas St
Aurora, CO 80010

Alice Glamoure's Draäg Featurettes: Storytime & Bingo:

#GLAMOURESTORYTIME RETURNS SAT MARCH 22nd 3:30PM [with Alice Glamoure] -- A 'Drag Queen Storytime'; something special & specific for the Kiddos of Aurora. All Ages.

#BINGOKIKI, IN FOLLOWING:4:30PM Opening Act; 4PM Seating (& Drinks & Eats from DBC)
Another Year for #draginaurora & #divadiningpresents (still, unofficially with Denver Biscuit Company) FOR The #bingokiki Series. Family Friendly.

March's Theme: STACHED & SNATCHED [for 'Mustache March']

April's Theme: SWEET 16!

May, June, July's Theme - TBD & TBA....

Think 'Drag Show' with Pop-Up Games of 'Bingo'Come #EATDRINKANDDRAG with Us!>> VIP Tables, always available!!

We Suggest